Embracing Comfort: How the ReStory Approach Reshapes Lives and Relationships

Do you ever find yourself longing for comfort and a sense of security amid life's challenges? If so, you're not alone. In our work, we have developed an approach that we call the Restory Approach, and in this blog post, we want to delve into the concept of comfort and its significance in our lives.

Let me share a personal story with you. For me, finding comfort came in the form of a weighted blanket. This giant, 50-pound blanket provided me with a sense of security and calmness. However, I understand that comfort varies from person to person. What brings comfort to one may be overwhelming for another. Exploring our needs and understanding what truly brings us comfort is essential.

In their book, the Yurkovichs introduce the concept of the comfort deficit. This deficit refers to the lack of comforting experiences during our childhood and its effect on our adult lives. It goes beyond temporary forms of comfort, like a bowl of soup, and delves into the realm of empathetic connection. Understanding our comfort deficits is crucial in our journey toward healing.

As adults, we are responsible for acknowledging and healing our comfort deficits. While external comfort-givers like parents play a significant role, they have their limitations. It's essential to move towards finding comfort within ourselves and through our relationship with God. We can discover comfort through our self-reflection and by leaning on God as the ultimate source of comfort.

Unfortunately, some comforting actions can become counterproductive when taken to excess. Binge-watching TV, excessive working out, or turning to substances can all be ways we seek comfort in unhealthy patterns. The key is to redirect our search for comfort toward healthy relationships and a grounded relationship with God. By doing so, we can find true healing and restore comfort in our lives.

Finding comfort and restoring it in our lives is a powerful journey. We have explored the concept of comfort deficits, the role of empathy, and the importance of self-reflection. Through the Restory Approach, we guide individuals toward finding true comfort in their lives. We invite you to continue your journey of self-reflection and restoration, and may you find lasting comfort and healing along the way.

For further insights and discussions on the Restory Approach, we encourage you to listen to the ReStory Podcast. May you find inspiration and support in our podcast as you continue your path of self-discovery.


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